Sunday 2 April 2017

Vedic Science - #1. A Dive into Vedas

The Vedas are NOT historical accounts. They are not biographies of great kings and the battles they fought with demons, nor are they mythical legends about emperors and intrigues that existed long ago.

Many modern day scientists declared that their inventions were inspired by the Vedas.  From the electricity to the atomic bomb, many of the scientific inventions were inspired by the Vedas.  It is a well known fact that Hitler sent his group of scientists all the way to Indian Sub-Continent to study the vedas.

In this series, we shall try to dive into the science that is covered in these Vedas...

About Vedas

The Vedas date MUCH further back than any Indus Valley Civilization. Long before the
Harappa’s existed, these spiritual, scientific and natural laws had been collected by numerous brilliant Rishis and compiled into several unified compositions, all of which were given the general descriptive label of "Vedas".

The Vedas are compilations of the eternal laws governing human existence. Moreover each of the four Vedas was a treatise on particular subjects, specific only to itself. The word "Veda" itself means "sacred or pure knowledge" , having come from the root "Vid" meaning "to know".

Branches in Vedas

The Atharvaveda consisted of nine branches or sakhas, according to sage PATANJALI. These were
1.  Paippalada
2.  Tauda
3.  Munda
4.  Saunakiya
5.  Jajala
6.  Jalada
7.  Brahmaveda
8.  Devadarsa
9. Charanavaidya

Out Of these nine, we know of only two, i.e
1. Saunaka
2. Paippalada

What knowledge can we gain from Vedas

Even in this incomplete form, the Atharvaveda was the source of development for such immense philosophical systems as Tantra and practical systems like Ayurveda. Often, Hindu scriptures have been criticised, as being too vague and full of profoundly difficult philosophical flights and abstract concepts, that are impossible for the common reader to grasp.

In fact, the Atharvaveda is a prime example of how the majority of Hindu scriptures DO delve into practical and material matters that affect everyday human life.

The Vedas are a wealth of information, not only about philosophical and spiritual ideals, but also invaluable reference manuals that clearly explain the laws governing scientific phenomenon, practical applications, and the methods for utilization of awesome natural resources. Scientists, mathematicians, manufacturers, computer programmers and many others can greatly benefit from this vast repertoire of information and knowledge.

Although most people today concentrate on significant aspects of the Atharvaveda such as medicinal plants and healing practices, many other fascinating subjects such as marriage rites, the healing properties of water, atomic and solar energy, electricity, and the states of the Supreme Consciousness are also discussed.

Look forward for more information on these subjects in next posts...

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