Saturday 28 January 2017

Politically Conspired Assassinations Series1 - Bhagat Singh

Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev & Rajguru

Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev & Rajguru are freedom fighters who managed to mobilize people to fight against British Rule in India.  Scheduled to be hanged to death on 24th March for the Lahore Conspiracy case involving the killing of Officer John Saunders, they were instead hanged a day earlier on 23rd March 1931.

Is Mahatma Gandhi responsible for not saving them?
There have been many conspiracy theories to explain this. One theory says that Mahatma Gandhi had the choice of saving these brave men, but did not do enough before signing the Gandhi-Irwin pact. But to that, Gandhi supporters say that he did not have enough influence on the British to stop the hanging.

Were they hanged or shot for Revenge?
A book titled Some Hidden Facts: Martyrdom of Shaheed Bhagat Singh- Secrets unfurled by an Intelligence Bureau Agent of British-India by K.S. Kooner and G.S. Sindhra,  states that the 3 prisoners were hung in a manner that they were in semi conscious state and taken outside the prison to be shot by members of the Saunder's family for revenge.

The Cremation
Further doubt arises as to how they died since their bodies were not sent to their families, instead the jail authority broke the rear wall, cremated the bodies secretly in the dark and threw the ashes into the Sutlej River.

The Truth?
Since independence, none of the indian governments so far tried to investigate and publicize the facts.  I wish their souls rest in peace and the truth is out one day...

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