Saturday 22 April 2017

Vedic Science - #2. Electricity for Non Military Applications Part 1 of 2

Electricity in Vedas 

One of the most exciting topics covered in the Atharva Veda is ELECTRICITY and specifically, the detailed description of valuable applications that harness and utilize this immense source of energy. Some of the applications described, include important specifications for a control system that harnesses the intense power of electricity for use as a deadly weapon, utilization of hydroelectric power for manufacturing and the fission properties of electricity. These are only some of these amazing instances that clearly demonstrate how the most advanced scientific laws and phenomenons are described in the Atharvaveda.

Application of Electricity
It will be fully apparent from the following verses that Electrical Energy and its properties were fully understood by Vedic sages. It was definitely used in everyday technological applications as much (if not more), as it is for us today. It is also clear that Vedic scientists knew far more about the properties of electricity than us. It was not till very recently, that modern day scientists discovered and began research on the potential usage of electrical energy in military science and related areas.

What these verses clearly demonstrate to us is the fact that Vedic Society was at an extremely advanced state of technological advancement and fully utilized Electricity in innumerable productive applications

Non Military Applications of Electricity
According to the descriptions found in Atharva Veda, electrical energy can be utilized in many useful applications such as creation of powerful engines, illumination, agricultural machinery, hydroelectric power plants, manufacturing plants, biomedical engineering, extraction of medicines, etc. and thus serve to greatly enhance the daily life of people.

Chapter 1, Hymn VII, Verse 2:
Nav Yo Navati Puro Bibhed Bahvotjasaa Ahi Cha Vritrahaa Vadheet

Electricity, which breaks, by the energy of its arms the 99 cities, destroys the cloud, which covers the rays of the sun, the source of all energy and power.This initial description describes the inherent properties of  electrical energy. Here the "arms of electricity" refers to positive and negative currents. The 99 cities refers to the 99 elements, as known to modern day scientists. In Vedic terminology, these essential elements were known as "Bhogas".

Chapter 1, Hymn VII, Verse 3:
Sa na Indrah Shivah sakhashwavad gomadvavama Urudhaarev dohate

The electric power may be our peaceful friend, providing us with the horse­power to drive our machines, light to light up our houses, and power to produce grains in the fields. Let it bring on prosperity and well­being for us by flowing into numerous currents.These verses clearly refer to the various useful applications of electricity. The mention of horse powered driving machines is a direct reference to electronically powered vehicles like automobiles, aircraft, etc. In our times, even prototypes of electric cars are a very recent development. In the present era, Electric car prototypes were created due to the dawning realization that gasoline fuel is a perishable resource as well as polluting to the environment.

It looks like thousands of years ago, our Rishis were already aware of these dangers and used electric engines in their vehicles, as one of their primary modes of transport as well as for motors, etc. for other types of machinery. This verse also clearly mentions that electricity was used to light up buildings, just as we do today. In addition there is a reference to electrically powered agricultural machines, which helped in the manufacture and processing of crops from the fields.

Chapter 1, Hymn VII, Verse 4:
Indra Kratuvidang Sutang Somang Harya Purushtut Piba Vrishaswa Taatripim

Let electricity, so highly spoken of by many learned people, help extract the essence of medicines, thus produced by those, who are well­ versed in manufacturing things. Let it keep safe and shower, on us the rain, satisfying all.  In modern times, we have discovered that certain electronic devices such as centrifuges, deep refrigeration, etc. are extremely helpful in deriving medicinal extracts. Apparently our ancient scientists were well aware of these methods and perhaps even more advanced than us in their knowledge.

The last sentence refers reverentially to the role of electricity, which in the form of lightning is instrumental in creating life giving rain for the entire planet. The picture that emerges from these verses is that of an extremely advanced culture, that utilized superlative technology and yet maintained an enormous respect and reverence for the ecosystem and the natural environment. The proponents of Vedic culture saw spirituality everywhere, and held sacred the power of all divine forces, from water, to electricity. Not only this, but they had analysed the properties and laws of all these natural energies and thus comprehended perfectly the best way to utilize them.

To be continued...

Sunday 2 April 2017

Vedic Science - #1. A Dive into Vedas

The Vedas are NOT historical accounts. They are not biographies of great kings and the battles they fought with demons, nor are they mythical legends about emperors and intrigues that existed long ago.

Many modern day scientists declared that their inventions were inspired by the Vedas.  From the electricity to the atomic bomb, many of the scientific inventions were inspired by the Vedas.  It is a well known fact that Hitler sent his group of scientists all the way to Indian Sub-Continent to study the vedas.

In this series, we shall try to dive into the science that is covered in these Vedas...

About Vedas

The Vedas date MUCH further back than any Indus Valley Civilization. Long before the
Harappa’s existed, these spiritual, scientific and natural laws had been collected by numerous brilliant Rishis and compiled into several unified compositions, all of which were given the general descriptive label of "Vedas".

The Vedas are compilations of the eternal laws governing human existence. Moreover each of the four Vedas was a treatise on particular subjects, specific only to itself. The word "Veda" itself means "sacred or pure knowledge" , having come from the root "Vid" meaning "to know".

Branches in Vedas

The Atharvaveda consisted of nine branches or sakhas, according to sage PATANJALI. These were
1.  Paippalada
2.  Tauda
3.  Munda
4.  Saunakiya
5.  Jajala
6.  Jalada
7.  Brahmaveda
8.  Devadarsa
9. Charanavaidya

Out Of these nine, we know of only two, i.e
1. Saunaka
2. Paippalada

What knowledge can we gain from Vedas

Even in this incomplete form, the Atharvaveda was the source of development for such immense philosophical systems as Tantra and practical systems like Ayurveda. Often, Hindu scriptures have been criticised, as being too vague and full of profoundly difficult philosophical flights and abstract concepts, that are impossible for the common reader to grasp.

In fact, the Atharvaveda is a prime example of how the majority of Hindu scriptures DO delve into practical and material matters that affect everyday human life.

The Vedas are a wealth of information, not only about philosophical and spiritual ideals, but also invaluable reference manuals that clearly explain the laws governing scientific phenomenon, practical applications, and the methods for utilization of awesome natural resources. Scientists, mathematicians, manufacturers, computer programmers and many others can greatly benefit from this vast repertoire of information and knowledge.

Although most people today concentrate on significant aspects of the Atharvaveda such as medicinal plants and healing practices, many other fascinating subjects such as marriage rites, the healing properties of water, atomic and solar energy, electricity, and the states of the Supreme Consciousness are also discussed.

Look forward for more information on these subjects in next posts...

Saturday 28 January 2017

Politically Conspired Assassinations Series1 - Bhagat Singh

Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev & Rajguru

Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev & Rajguru are freedom fighters who managed to mobilize people to fight against British Rule in India.  Scheduled to be hanged to death on 24th March for the Lahore Conspiracy case involving the killing of Officer John Saunders, they were instead hanged a day earlier on 23rd March 1931.

Is Mahatma Gandhi responsible for not saving them?
There have been many conspiracy theories to explain this. One theory says that Mahatma Gandhi had the choice of saving these brave men, but did not do enough before signing the Gandhi-Irwin pact. But to that, Gandhi supporters say that he did not have enough influence on the British to stop the hanging.

Were they hanged or shot for Revenge?
A book titled Some Hidden Facts: Martyrdom of Shaheed Bhagat Singh- Secrets unfurled by an Intelligence Bureau Agent of British-India by K.S. Kooner and G.S. Sindhra,  states that the 3 prisoners were hung in a manner that they were in semi conscious state and taken outside the prison to be shot by members of the Saunder's family for revenge.

The Cremation
Further doubt arises as to how they died since their bodies were not sent to their families, instead the jail authority broke the rear wall, cremated the bodies secretly in the dark and threw the ashes into the Sutlej River.

The Truth?
Since independence, none of the indian governments so far tried to investigate and publicize the facts.  I wish their souls rest in peace and the truth is out one day...

Saturday 7 January 2017

Politically Conspired Assassinations Series1 - Homi Jehangir Bhabha

Who is Homi Jehangir Bhabha

Dr Homi Bhabha was the father of Indian nuclear physics. He and Lal Bahadur Shastri were both in favour of India being a nuclear power, which threatened the US.

The Accident

On January 24, 1966, Air India flight AI 101 Mumbai-Paris crashed on Mont Blanc, the highest peak in the Alps on the border of France and Italy.  If anything was recovered, it was an Indian diplomatic jute bag marked Ministry of External Affairs, Delhi; containing  newspapers, calendars and a personal letter. What is weird is that the bag was found in 2012. And anyway, it was a type 'c' bag and therefore, held no important documents.

The flight was piloted by one of the most experienced pilots of Air India, who had radioed the control tower that all instruments were working fine.  The plane was flying at 19,000 feet, at least 3,000 feet above the Mont Blanc summit and a few minutes later it crashed right into it.

Roche, 57, a property consultant in Lyon, France, has collected about three tonne of parts of the two Air India (AI) aircraft that crashed into the glacier of Mont Blanc, the highest peak in the Alps (4,810 m or 15,781 feet).  Roche, who stays 200 km away from the accident sites, has spent five days a week in his expedition to seek out the truth, and his story has already appeared in the French media.  

The Conspiracy

Was there a sabotage?
The CIA agent, Robert Crawley said that Homi Bhabha's death was part of a plot by CIA. The reason being: India's rise to nuclear power. Everyone knew that Dr Homi Bhabha was the father of Indian nuclear physics. He and Shastri were both in favour of India being a nuclear power, which threatened the US and thus, the CIA stepped in to sabotage the Air India flight 101, killing Bhabha and 116 others.  India was close to being a nuclear power and the loss of Homi Bhabha stalled the Indian Nuclear Programme.

Why Indian Governments are mum?

Roche has made a DVD about his investigations and even has 80 kg of documented research papers. “I do not know whether it was a conspiracy or what as Bhabha was going to give India its first nuclear bomb, which the nuclear powers of that time did not want,” he says. “In India, nobody speaks about the incident. I feel that it is my duty to tell the truth to the world based on the evidence. If the Indian government wants, I am ready to hand over the documents and the belongings of the passengers to them. They will have to pay for the shipment charges,” he says.
None of the Indian governments so far showed interest in getting the documents or the remnants of the plane.

Thursday 17 November 2016

History of Currency Demonetization in India

This month the government of india demonetized Rs.500 and Rs.1,000 Currency Notes.  This is not the first demonetization in India.  But the interesting fact is all demonetizations were initiated by non-congress governments.

Friday 7 October 2016

Some facts of Colonial Rule - spoken by Shashi Tharoor @ Oxford Union

One of the finest speeches that I came across about the British Colonial Rule, that too spoken in UK

Tuesday 6 September 2016

India 100 years ago - in pictures

I came across these rare pictures of indian lifestyle and monuments, taken more than 100 years back.  They gives us a glimpse of the good old times back in history...